Distinguished Service Award
The Illinois Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Distinguished Service Award, established in 2014, recognizes an active member or retiree who has five or more years of involvement within the organization, and who has provided outstanding, ongoing contributions to IACRAO. The Distinguished Service Award, which may be given annually, is chosen by the IACRAO Executive Board and presented during the Annual Conference in October. Current Members of the IACRAO Executive Board are not eligible for consideration.
To submit an active member or retiree for consideration, please complete the IACRAO Distinguished Service Award Nomination form.
Submissions are due October 1. If there are any questions, please contact Katy Saalfeld, Immediate Past President at [email protected].
Award Recipients
2020 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Pam Walden Associate Registrar Illinois State University
 Pam Walden is currently the Associate Registrar at Illinois State University. She began her career at Illinois State University in July, 1992. She first joined IACRAO in 2009, serving as the Website Manager. Since then she has held several board positions within the association – Technology Committee Chair, President Elect, President, and Past President. She had the pleasure of serving on IACRAO’s board from 2009 – 2017, and has been a member of AACRAO for several years.
2019 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Gene Magac
Director of Admission and Records (Retiree) Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
 Bio: Gene spent 35 years in post secondary education in many roles at SIUE. He joined IACRAO in 1966 and served on the IACRAO Executive Board for 10 years holding various positions, District Chair, Treasurer, VP for Professional Activities, and President in 1996. The " Bright Ideas" Award, formally known as the "Gene Magac Bright Ideas Award" is named after Gene who is the founder of the award. This award includes a free conference registration for the institution who wins the Bright Ideas session during the Annual Conference.
2017 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
George Munley Associate Registrar (Retiree) University of Illinois-Chicago
Bio: Served in various roles and organizations including IACRAO and AACRAO, often served as either the official and unofficial photographer at many events; Served 24 years of dedicated service as the Associate Registrar in the Office of Registration and Records at UIC; To date, George remains well known throughout the UIC, Urbana, and Springfield campus communities, and within IACRAO.
2016 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Peter Hood Administration (Retiree) University of Illinois-Urbana
 Bio: IACRAO archivist; high school teacher and guidance counselor; university admissions; Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Illinois; Married 50 years, son and daughter; Hobbies, travel, community organizations, at my age- exercise, reading, and home projects.
2015 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Kathie Beaty Registrar (Retiree) Bradley University
 Bio: Kathie has been a long time member of IACRAO and AACRAO, and she served on various positions on the IACRAO Executive Board, including IACRAO President in 1997. She continued her service to IACRAO for the next 17 years.
2014 Distinguished Service Award Recipient
Dale Wolf Director of Admissions (Retiree) Eastern Illinois University
 Bio: Past President and past Archivist of IACRAO, Retired Dean of Admission, Eastern Illinois University, prior work with two private institutions total 36 years in higher education. Member of Illinois Speakers Bureau, current President of Charleston Illinois Chamber of Commerce. Dale retired to his ranch in Charleston where he and his wife, Debby enjoy horseback riding and other activities many of which include their five children and twelve grandchildren.